Light CAN
For its tenth anniversary, FOUGARO ARTCENTER has invited Beforelight group to design a light art installation!
Beforelight group, with its track record of the best-known light art projects in public spaces throughout Greece, comes to Nafplion for the first time. Inspired by the history of Fougaro that goes back to the early twentieth century and the former operation of its premises as a cannery, the installation visually develops the idea of can packaging, using experimentation with light as the main element.
The light art installation Light CAN will dominate the area of the PLAZA and PARKAKI, adding light and colour to this winter's evenings and celebrating the ten years of operation of FOUGARO ARTCENTER. Part of the project was created at a special workshop with the participation of Fougaro's visitors. Guided by members of the group, the participants made lighting fixtures which were incorporated into the work on the PLAZA.