FOUGARO presents the exhibition «CONVERSATIONS: Africa 1», which includes works and objects from the FKPCOLLECTION
Folk art, jewellery, everyday objects and textiles from African countries together with a series of varied objects are all placed in unexpected combinations and installations. It is worth noting that this is the first time that most of the items are presented to the public.
The exhibition’s unusual design helps produce interesting discussions and reveal a latent sense of balance existing among distinct bodies of works. The animism of wooden sculptures, the magnetism of fine beads, the awe-inspiring cutting metallic edges almost magically interact with the light and shade cast by the reeds, the tenderness of cloth toys and the primordial energy of linear motifs.
Every small or larger group seems to have come together on its own, as if from a mutual attraction that surpasses any differences in the base or luxury, quality of the materials, the time they were made, genre or any other attributes customarily used to strictly categorize. This is how the exhibition turns out to be a “feast for the eye” that praises shape, color, light, symbolism and – ultimately – beauty.
This is an art collection that Florica P. Kyriacopoulos started around 40 years ago.
It includes mostly works of modern and contemporary art by Greek and international artists. Through a select number of works from the early 20th century, the collection goes back in time.
The collection includes a significant section of African and Tribal Art. It is completed with various collectibles such as ceramics, design, memorabilia, posters, vintage furniture, hand-woven textiles etc.
The FKP COLLECTION embodies the personal viewpoint of the visual artist Florica P. Kyriacopoulos who also uses the collection’s contents as the raw material for making art installations and environments. These newly-composed works are made a lively part of private, professional and public spaces.
Exhibition curators
Antonis J. Kontroyiannis
Florica P. Kyriacopoulos