new school programme
The educational programmes at FOUGARO are addressed to students in Elementary and Secondary Education. Available on a daily basis, they aim to creatively acquaint children with nature, art, theatre, literature, narration, handicraft as well as with FOUGARO itself, a space for Life and Art.
new educational programme
Yannis Pappas | in search of Alexander
an exhibition jointly organised with the BENAKI MUSEUM
June - November 2024
In this educational programme the children are given a guided tour of the exhibition Yannis Pappas | in search of Alexander and follow the creative process behind the masterly sculptural complex, which took 32 years and concerns the equestrian statue of Alexander the Great. In the show they can see drawings, studies, models, photographs and other documentary evidence from the Yannis Pappas Studio.
Next, in the context of theatrical play the children are called upon to collaborate and untie the Gordian knot, which the great man cut with his sword, as well as to become sculptors and sculptures with the minimum of media: their bodies and their imagination. Finally, will the mermaid sister of Alexander the Great let them into the Workshops to build and tame their own Bucephalus?
The action ends with a handicraft session, and the children will take their creations back home.
programme objectives:
A museum-education programme to acquaint children with the work of sculptor Yannis Pappas, it activates and develops skills and knowledge around appreciating art and promoting imagination, socialisation, kinaesthesia, fine mobility. The programme focuses on the sculptor's obsession and application over many years.
Duration: 75'
Addressed to schoolchildren of Elementary Schools (grades 3rd to 6th) and Junior High Schools
Wednesday to Friday mornings for schools
Saturdays & Sundays for parents' associations
By prior arrangement: tel. 6941601388
e-mail: school-visits@anthosfougaro.gr