Sandro Penna
The dusty cyclist
Presentation of translated poetry by Errikos Sophras
Saturday 26 January 2013
FOUGARO's Anthos Library and Rodakio Press presented The Dusty Cyclist, a collection of 81 love poems by the major Italian poet Sandro Penna (1906-1977), translated by Errrikos Sophras.
Writer Zyranna Zateli recited poems by Sandro Penna, the translator ERRIKOS SOPHRAS had a discussion with publisher JULIA TSIAKIRI about the poet, and there was a screening of Ma come il vento muove il mare (2008), a documentary by Francesca Bartellini on the life and work of Sandro Penna.
The event concluded with a discussion with the large audience of people who had come from Athens, Nafplio and beyond.