Yannis Makridakis presents two books
“It was a little bird that told on you—that's what our mother used to say when we were little and we had been naughty. For birds know everything. Birds are God's eye above us, Diomidis. Birds are our conscience.”
THE Anthos Library of Fougaro and Hestia Press present the latest two novellas by Yannis Makridakis.
On Friday 19 April 2013 at 19.30 at the Library area
“Το ζουμί του πετεινού” [The rooster's juice] (Hestia, 2012)
“Του Θεού το μάτι” [God's eye] (Hestia, 2013)
Yannis Makridakis was born in 1971 on Chios and studied mathematics. In 1997 he founded the Centre for Chios Studies [CCS] for the research, archival, study and dissemination of historical evidence from the island; he organized the Centre's research and educational programmes, edited its publications and ran the “Pelinnaeo” quarterly periodical till 2011.
He has written the books:
- “Συρματένιοι, ξεσυρματένιοι, όλοι. Χιώτες πρόσφυγες and στρατιώτες στη Μέση Ανατολή: Μαρτυρίες 1941 - 1946″[Chios refugees and soldiers in the
- Middle East: Testimonies 1941 – 1946] (CCS, Peilinnaeo 2006; Hestia 2010)
- “10.516 μέρες: Ιστορία της νεοελληνικής Χίου ″ [10,516 days: History of modern-Greek Chios 1912 -1940], historical narrative (CCS, Peilinnaeo 2007)
- “Aνάμισης ντενεκές” [One-and-a-half tin], novel (Hestia 2008); Turkish edition (2009)
- “Η δεξιά τσέπη του ράσου” [The habit's right-hand pocket], novella (Hestia 2009),
- “Ήλιος με δόντια” [Sun with teeth], novel (Hestia 2010), also procuded for the theatre by Vassilis Vassilakis (2012)
- “Λαγού μαλλί” [Hare's wool], novella (Hestia 2010),
- “Η άλωση της Κωσταντίας” [The fall of Constantia], novel (Hestia 2011), also procuded for the theatre by Christos Valavanidis (2012)
- “Το ζουμί του πετεινού” [The rooster's juice], novella (Hestia 2012).
- Του Θεού το μάτι [God's eye], novella (Hestia 2013).